Freedom Project
Through a Freedom Project option students have the opportunity to pursue their passion.
By navigating a multi-year exploration of a targeted area, students will build competencies and shape a powerful story. Faculty supervises and guides progress. Peers, alumni and staff play mentoring and coaching roles.
The types of possible projects include:
- Starting a business
- Consulting project with a business entity
- Research and publishing on a target subject
- Service learning with a non-profit organization
- Global work or volunteer experience
Examples of options to showcase projects include: poster sessions, symposium sessions, business pitch competitions, conference presentations and research publication.
Students will have the option to include the Freedom Project as part of their learning by working with their academic advisors.
Three Distinct Phases of Activity
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Discovery & Exploration
Conduct research and plan for your Freedom Project of choice. A committee will check each phase milestone and approve moving to the next phase.

Organize and finish creating your Freedom Project. Prepare materials to present in your student showcase.

Showcase & Dissemination
The final phase includes a formal, three-credit course where the project-based learning and outcomes are documented and shared.